Hormon Tiroid dan Efeknya pada Jantung (Thyroid Hormor e and its Effect on the Heart)
Thyroid hormone is essential for maintaining structure and function of the heart. In normal condition, thyroid hormone preserves the strength of heart contraction (inotropy) to meet physiological demand.Thyroid diseases, either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, cause pathologic heart abnormalities called thyroid heart diseases. The patologic heart abnormalities due to thyroid hormone disorders are dysrythmia, left ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure. The mechanism of action of thyroid hormone includes genomic and non-genomic types on cardiomyocyte that give short and long term phenotypic effects to the heart. Genomic effect includes modification of gene transcription in cardiomyocyte, whereas non-genomic effect includes ligation to membrane receptors and cytoplasmic proteins of cardiomyocytes.
Key words: thyroid hormone, cardiomyocyte, thyroid receptor
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