Tata Laksana Fibrilasi Atrium: Kontrol lrama atau Laju Jantung (Management of Atrial Fibrillation: Rate Control or Rhythm Control)
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a supraventricular tachyarrhythmia characterised by uncoordinated atrial activation. The incidence of AF is increasing especially with increasing life expectancy. Despite new insights in the pathophysiology and development of novel ablative technique and anti arrhythmic drugs, the management of this chronic rhythm disturbance remains problematic. There are two fundamental interventional choices: restoration and maintenance of normal sinus rhythm (NSR) or control of ventricular rate. While there are compelling theoritical benefits in restoring and maintaining NSR, until recently there has been little evidence supporting the comparative advantages of either strategy. Since 2000 there are several trials comparing these strategies. Results from these studies indicate that a strategy af rate control in AF patients can be at least as effective as efforts to control rhythm. These trials have also revealed the necessity of continuing antithrombotic treatment even when long term sinus rhythm is achieved. In some cases both management could be applicable so we should involve patient and family for management decision.
Key words: atrial fibrillation, rate control, rhythm control, STAF, RAF, AFFIRM, RACE, HOT-CAFE, AF-CHF, J-RHYTHM
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