Fetal Monitor Calibration among Public Hospitals in Indonesia
Periodic calibration for diagnostic tool in hospitals is essential for accurate diagnosis. The purpose of analysis was to identify the dominant factors related to implementation of periodic calibration of the fetal monitor in the hospitals.
Analysis data using a part of Rifaskes 2011 data among selected hospitals in Indonesia which had fetal monitors. To identify the dominant factors related to fetal monitor on time calibration compared with not doing calibration fetal monitor we used relative risk approach.
Out of the 297 hospitals that met the inclusion criteria which had fetal monitor, 82 (27.6%) hospitals calibrated the monitor on time, and 132 hospitals did not perform calibration. The accredited hospitals compared with not accredited hospitals had more performing on time fetal monitor calibration. Compared with not accredited hospitals, the accredited hospitals for 5 services, for 12 services, and for 16 services had 2.2-fold, 2-fold, and 3.4-fold to perform on time fetal monitor calibration respectively.
The accredited hospitals compared with not accredited hospitals had more on time performed fetal monitor calibration. (Health Science Indones 2013;1:7-10)
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