Daya Proteksi Ekstrak Kulit Jeruk Purut (Cjtrus Hystrixj Terhadap Nyamuk Demam Berdarah (Protection Capacity of Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrixj Peel Extract Against Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Mosquitoes)
The used of chemicals as mosquitos repellent may causing health problems. Extract of caffir lime (Citrus hystrix) as mosquitos repellent can be us ed as another option. The study aimed to analyze the protection capacity of C. hystrix against Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopietus. Experimental studies using completely randomized design was done. The obtained data were calculated using the protection capacity formula and analysed using t-test.
The result indicated that protection capacity of Citrus hystrix extract for 6 haurs on average gave 34.82% ofprotection against Ac. aegypti and 41.44% of Ac. albopictus. The ca/fir lime extract has been ahle to reject Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Although the thrust of the caffir time is not as good as chemical products, but can be use as alternative mosquitoes
Keywords: Citrus hystrix, Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, repellent
43. Efek Imunomodulator Sallva Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti (L.) Terhadap Sistem Imun Manusia (Immunomodulatory Effect on Aedes Aegypti (L.) Saliva Against Human Immune System)/ Alya Arimbi Simangunsong dan Mutiara Widawati.-- ASPIRATOR, 5 (2) 2013: 67-74
Mosquito’s saliva is the main fundamental elements in the acquisition of human blood by mosquito, mosquito’s saliva inhibit blood hemostatic response, the influx of saliva also may stimulate the mechanism for effector formation of the host, also in this process , we may find some microorganism transmission. By knowing on how the components of mosquito’s saliva process in stimulating our immune system, we could ensure the mechanism for pathogens and emerging diseases in our body. Flow Cytometry method usedfor detecting Whether increased concentration ofthe Saliva Gland Extract (SGE) affecting the proliferation and development of dendritic cells from bone marrow or not, while for the effect of SGE on lymphocytes is using colorimetrlc test. The concentration response curve ~"Vas made to see the effect of SGE on Ae. aegypti cells (DC) and lymphocytes. The proliferation of DC from bone marrow precursor. its development and us function were not directly influenced by SGE of Ae. aegypti (concentration of 2.5 to 40µg/mL). White the results of SGE effects on lymphocytes showed that lymphocytes are extremely sensitive to saliva components. Based on the data, it was concluded that lymphocytes are potential to be a target for the main components of Ae. aegypti saliva compared to its dendritic cells.
Keywords: dendritic cells, T cells, Ae. aegypti, saliva
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