IFNG polymorphism (+874 T>A) is not a risk factor for cervical cancer (Polimorfisme IFNG+874 T>A bukan merupakan faktor risiko untuk kanker serviks)
Cervical cancer cases are ris ing and many women are infected with human papillomavirus (HPV). Interferon gamma (IFN-a) is one of the key regulatory cytokines that influence the HPV clearance. The production and the function of 1 FN-a may impaired by the defect of the IFNG gene leading to the cervical malignant progression. This study aimed to examine the association between IF.IliG+874 T>A polymorphism and cervical cancer in women
ln a case-control study design, consecutive untreated wornen with cervical cancer who showed for the first time in Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung were enrolled (n=98) and for controis women who came for PAP smear (n = 81). Controis were not rnatched in ages and ethnicities, DNA extracted from blood was ampJified by amplification refractory mutation system - polymerase chain reaction method (ARMS - PCR) to detect IFNG+874 T> A polymorphism.
The distribution of IFNG genotypes TT, TA and AA for women with cervical cancer who met the inclusion criteria (n= 64) and with negative intraepithelial lesion ormalignancy (n=•42)were 14.1%,50.0%, 35.9% and 7.1%,52.4%,40.5%, respectively, No significant differences could be observed between both groups (p=0.64). Stratifying the cervical cancer wornen into a group of squamous cell carcinoma (n = 54) revealed no statistical di fferent.
IFNG +874 T>A polyrnorphismseems not to contribute in susceptibility to cerv ical cancer. Identification ofother variants in IFNG gene signal ing and its role in the development of cervical cancer diseases need to be further examined.
Key words: IFNG gene, single nucleotide polyrnorphism, cervical cancer
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