Prevalensi Defisiensi Vitamin D Dan Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya Pada Orang Hidup Dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) di RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso (Prevalence Of Vitamin D Deficiency And Its Influencing Factors At People With Hiv Aids In Sulianti Saroso Communicable Disease Hospital)
Most people with HIV AIDS have been found with vitamin D deficiency, which is evidently influence by efavirenz as one of antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen for HIV AIDS therapy, the characteristics of people with HIV AIDS, vitamin D intake, people with HIV AIDS life style, & drug intake that effect vitamin D level. 25- hydroxyvitamin D (D 25-0H) serumlevel measured vitamin D status at people with HIV AIDS. Vitamin D insufficiency was defined at 50-75 nmol/ml (20-30 ng/mOD 25 OH , while vitamin D deficiency was defined under 50 nmol/ml (< 20 ng/ml) D 25-0H. Vitamin D is needed to maintain the health of bone and adequate immune function, that controled HIV infection. Vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of bone fracture and Immune Reconstitution Syndrome(IRIS). Up to now, there has not been any data of the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its influencing factors on the people with HIV AIDS in Indonesia.
The objective of this research is to understand the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its influencing factors on the people with HIV AIDS in Sulianti Saroso communicable disease hospital, that already have or not yet have ART intake .
The results indicated that 88,8% people with HIV AIDS suffered vitamin D deficiency, and 11,2% suffered vitamin D insufficiency. The tested factors did not evidently influence the vitamin D deficiency.
Kata Kunci : HIV AIDS, efavirenz, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, Immune Reconstitution Syndrome.
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