Risanto's Formulas is more Accurate in Determining Estimated Fetal Weight Based on Maternal Fundal Height Rumus (Risanto lebih akurat dalam MenentukanTaksiran Berat Janin Berdasarkan Tinggi Fundus Uterus Ibu)
Objectives: To compare the accuracy of Johnson's and Risanto's for¬mulas in determining estimated fetal weight based on maternal fun-dal height (FH).
Methods: This was a cross sectional study, consisting of 655 preg¬nant women from Dr. Sardjito Hospital and affiliated hospital sat 37- 42 weeks of gestation. Fundal height was measured from the sym¬phisis to the top of uterine fundus, using inverted unelastic flexible tape. EFW based on Johnson's and Risanto's formulas were corn-pared with the actualbirth weight. Wilcox on analysis was used for statistical analysis.
Results: Mean EFW of Johnson's formula was 3136 ± 392.2 grams and EFW of Risanto's formula was 3056 ± 322.5 grams and mean ac¬tual birth weight was 3021 ± 341.1 grams. The mean difference be¬tween EFW of Johnson's formula and the actual birth weight was 156.1 ± 107.3 grams, and mean difference between EFW of Risanto's formula and the actual birth weight was 100.8 ± 86.1 grams. Those two differences was statistically significant (p=0.001).
Conclusion: This study showed that Risanto's formula was more ac¬curate than Johnson's in predicting birth weight based on the mater¬nal's fundal height.
[Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2013; 1-3: 149-51]
Keywords: actual birth weight, fundal height, Johnson's formula, Risanto's formula
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