APA Style
Sandra, A. et al (2013).
15. The Number of Vaginal Epithellial and Neutrophil Strongly Correlates with the Occurrence of Premature Delivery (Jumlah Epitel dan Neutrofil Vagina Berkorelasi Kuat dengan Angka Kejadian Persalinan Kurang Bulan) .
Indonesian Society of Obstetetrict and Gynecology.
MLA Style
Sandra, Alia. et al.
"15. The Number of Vaginal Epithellial and Neutrophil Strongly Correlates with the Occurrence of Premature Delivery (Jumlah Epitel dan Neutrofil Vagina Berkorelasi Kuat dengan Angka Kejadian Persalinan Kurang Bulan)".
Indonesian Society of Obstetetrict and Gynecology,