Age, Low Education and Unemployment are Associated with Intimate Partner Violence among Women (Usia, Edukasi yang Kurang, dan PengangguranBerperan terhadapKekerasan oleh Pasangan pada Perempuan)
Objective: To describe the prevalence of violence in women visiting Puskesmas Kecamatan Makassar by their partners and their associa¬tion with socio-demographic factors and gender role perception.
Methods: A cross-sectional study using validated WHO question¬naires was conducted on 141 women visiting Puskesmas Makassar in December 2011 to identify presence of physical, sexual or emo¬tional abuse and women's perception of gender roles. The data was then analyzed using a combination of univariate analysis and Chi-square test.
Results: Our study showed that the lifetime prevalence of female abuse in Puskesmas Makassar population was 21.3%, with physical violence constituting 5.7%, sexual violence 6.4% and emotional abuse 17.0% among the subjects. Violence was associated with the wife's demographic factor (age >35 years, education
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