Avulsion of the Levator Ani at First Pregnancy Avulsi pada Levator Ani saat Kehamilan Pertama
Objective: To investigate whether demographic and obstetric risk factors are associated with avulsion of the levator ani at first preg¬nancy.
Methods: A series of case was undertaken on 4 pregnant nulli¬parous women seen with a gestational age of more than 37 weeks. We analyzed with 3D/4D translabial ultrasound and digital assess¬ment data of 4 women seen in a tertiary Urogynecological clinic. The use of 3D/4D ultrasound as a means of detection of trauma to the levator ani.
Result: We had 4 women who had levator ani avulsion. Diagnosis of levator trauma (avulsion) on tomographic ultrasound was corre¬lated with predelivery demographic variables and ultrasound pa¬rameters.
Conclusion: With a greater understanding on the function of pelvic floor muscles, risk factors for trauma and damage as a result of preg¬nancy and birth, healthcare professionals will have better ability to meet the needs of women in the childbearing year. This study util¬ized a scoring system that can be used to predict the occurrence of levator ani muscle damage. In the end, the decline in quality of life for women, especially after a birth, can be prevented.
[Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2013; 37-1: 51-6]
Keywords: 3D/4D translabial ultrasound, demographic, levator ani avulsion, obstetric risk factors
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