Profile of Women with Late Menstrual Period (Profil Perempuan yang Mengalami keterlambatanHaid)
Objective: To know the profile of women with late menstrual period in Raden Saleh Clinic Jakarta in 2008- 2011.
Method: This was a descriptive study with 400 samples from medi¬cal records, choosen by random sampling. The data of age, educa¬tion, occupation, marital status, residence, religion, parity, age of the youngest kid, cause of pregnancy, attempt to abort, referral, reason to end pregnancy, and contraceptive method post menstrual induc¬tion were collected.
Result The majority of women who underwent menstrual induc¬tion were 18 - 35 years old (57.25%), followed by women aged more than 35 years old (40.5%) and below 18 years old (2.25%). Most women were graduated from middle school (51.25%), unemployed (65.25%), and married (90.8%). They mostly came from Jakarta and satellite cities such as Depok, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi, which accounted for 88% clients. Most of them have two children (32.3%) with the youngest kid aged more than 12 months old (60%). The causes of pregnancy were neglecting to use contraception (87.5%), failure of contraception (12%), and sexual assault (0.5%). As much as 44% of the clients had tried to end the pregnancy before they came to Raden Saleh Clinic and 87.5% of all 400 women came with¬out referral. The most common reason was having had enough chil¬dren in 74% of the women to end the pregnancy, followed by 12.25% of clients who wanted to pursue higher education. After treated by menstrual induction, 75.8% of them used IUD as contra¬ception.
Conclusion: Our data showed that mean age of women who were underwent menstrual induction is 32.94 ± 0.35 years old and the main reason to do menstrual induction in this research is the consi¬deration of having enough children. [Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2013; 37-1: 41-51
Keywords: age, contraception, late menstrual period, menstrual in¬duction
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