The Recommended Time Interval of Decision to Incision in Caesarean Sec tion is not Achieved in Daily Practice (Interval Waktu Keputusan sampai Insisi yang Direkomendasikan pada Seksio Sesarea Emergensi tidak Tercapai pada Praktik Sehari-hari
Objective: To determine the mean time for decision-to-incision in¬terval for emergency caesarean section, the contributing factors for delay and the outcome at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Moh. Hoesin Hospital, Palembang.
Methods: The study was conducted on 555 patients who met our study inclusion criteria at our maternity unit There was 1748 deli¬veries in six months and the rate of caesarean section was approxi¬mately 37.9% (6.1% elective). An emergency caesarean section was defined as non-elective or non-scheduled cases.
Result: In this study, there was 355 emergency caesarean sections, and the mean time from decision-to-incision was 83.9±41.6 minutes. The time interval reached 30 minutes in only 8 women (2.2%). Most cases have time interval 61-90 minutes (41.1%). The main sources of delay were patient's preparations, transfer of women to the oper-ating theatre, operating theatre preparations and the start of anes¬thesia administration. The most common indication for emergency caesarean sections were dystocia, bleeding from placenta previa or placental abruption, premature rupture of membrane and fetal dis¬tress. There were significant differences in the proportion of babies born with 1 minute Apgar score
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