Kekurangan Energi Kronis Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil Di Bps Istiqomah Surabaya (Lack Of Energy Event with Chronic Anemia BPS On Pregnant Women in Surabaya Istiqomah)
This research is analytic study, with a cross-sectional design, which aims to analyze the relationship with occurrence of chronic energy deficiency anemia in pregnant women in Surabaya Istiqomah BPS. As a research population of all pregnant women in the BPS Istiqomah checkups Surabaya in April-May, with a target population of 232 people . Samples were taken with a probability sampling technique that sample random sampling were 107 pregnant women. Chronic energy deficiency independent variable, dependent variable anemia in pregnant women. The data used are secondary data extracted from medical records. The aresults were analyzed with Chi - square test at a significance level (a) = 0.05 with count X2 > X2 table then H.1 is accepted HO Is rejected it means there is a relationship with the incidence of chronic energy deficiency anemia in pregnant women in Surabaya Istiqomah BPS. So it is advisable to midwives to improve maternal counseling on nutrition balanced and minimal Fe tablet 90 tablets.
Keywords: KEK, Anemia, Pregnancy
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