Fluor Albus Dengan Kanker Serviks Pada Pasangan Usia Subur (Fluor Albus With Cervical Cancer In Fertile Age Couple)
This research is analytic study, with a cross-sectional design that aims to analyze the relationship between f7uour albus with cervical cancer. As the population in this study is of Eligible Couples in Poly Gynecology Hospital Dr. Soetomo many as 203 EFA , with the majority of the population sample, ie as many variables bound fluor albus and cancer significance is a = 0.05. The results obtained from 135 EPA largely a pathological fluoralbus and almost half of cervical cancer. Through Chie-Square test statistic X2 count values obtained (17,22) > X2 table (3,84) . Therefore concluded H1 accepted, which means there is a relationship between the fluorine albus with cervical cancer. Therefore, it is advisable for managing health in health care institutions in order to improve the promotion and prevention efforts to the patient or the community through counseling or education about the importance of early detection of cervical Cancer with Pap smears and for subsequent researchers need additional variables that abnormal bleeding is more accurate research.
Keywords : Fluor Albus , Cervical Cancer
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