Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Status Menarche Pada Remaja (Usia 10-15 Tahun) di Indonesia Tahun 2010 (Association Between Nutritional Status and Menarche Status In Adolescents (Aged 10-15 Years) In Indonesia Tahun 2010)
Background: Age of menarche in adolescents is increasing rapidly. It has to be an important concern because it is associated with accelerated developmental growth of adolescents. Early menarche is a predictor of obesity incidence that will trigger the occurrence of diseases resulting from obesity
Objective: The analysis aims to know the association between nutritional status and menarche in adolescent (aged 10-15 years) in Indonesia whether influenced by energy intake, family socio-economic situation, area of residence, and maternal age of menarche.
Methode: This analysis was conducted with a quantitative approach and cross sectional design. The sample of analysis was girls aged 10-15 years. The data in this analysis is secondary data of Riskesdas in 2010. Data analysis are performed univariate, bivariate, and stratification.
Result: The study found that from 6802 respondents in Indonesia, 20,8% (1418 respondents) had experienced menarche with an average of fnenarche was 12,74±1,19 years. There is a significant association between nutritional status and menarche status with OR value 1,940.
Conclusion : There is no confounder variables in association between nutritional status and menarche status. Modification effect test also shows there is no variable interact in association nutritional status and menarche status. Therefore, knowledge of reproductive health in adolescents should be given as early as possible in line with the increased knowledge of The General Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition.
Key words: menarche, nutritional status, adolescents
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