Hubungan Perilaku Penggunaan Masker Dengan Gangguan Fungsi Paru Pada Pekerja Mebel Di Kelurahan Harapan Jaya, Bandar Lampung (RelationsWith TheMaskOf Use Behavior Disorders In Lung Function Furniture Workers In Harapan Jaya Village, Bandar Lampung)
Using masks in furniture industry may hinder the dust which cause lung problems. The study objective was to determine the Correlation of behavior of using masks against pulmonary function impairment in furniture workers in Harapan Jaya Village.This study was an observational study with cross sectional approach. Sample in this study 41 furniture workers in the Harapan Jaya as sampling.Data analysis using chi square with Fisher test.The Result shows pulmonary function impairmenthas relation with pratice of using mask (p = 0,013) and has no relation to knowledge of using mask (v0.219) and so attitude of using mask (p=0.084) with a=0,05.
Keywords: Behavior of using mask, pulmonary function impairment.
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