Pelaksanaan Mobilisasi Dini Pada Klien Paska Seksio Sesarea (The Implementation of Early Mobilitation of the Client of Pasca Caesarean Section)
Early mobilization as an attempt to speed healing so that spared from complications resulting from surgery primarily helps the process of wound healing after surgery. The implementation of early mobilisation found that not all patients can immediately do the early mobilization, this is due to various factors. The purpose of this research is getting an overview of implementation of early mobilization in patients post caesarean surgery. The design of this research was a descriptive and crass sectional. Samples taken in this study i.e. the client post caesarean surgery being treated at the Budhi Asih and Pasar Rebo hospital amounted to 172 people with sampling techniques in "accidental sample". Data retrieval by interview use questionnaire. The data processing was done by Univariate and bivariat to see independent and dependent variables relationship by Chi — square. The research results found that the number of patients with medium pain 85,1% and 88,2% severe pain did early mobilization after 4 — 12 hours and 88.7% of clients with less knowledge did early mobilization after the first 4 hours. Based on ('hi-square analysis obtained the result that there is no meaningful relationship pain factor and knowledge towards the implementation of early mobilization (p value = 0.377).
Keywords: early mobilization, pain, level of knowledge, caesarian surgery.
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