The Correlation between Population Density of Anopheles with the Case of Malaria and Seasion in Manggala, North Lampung (Korelasi antara Kepadatan Nyamuk Anopheles dengan Penderita Malaria dan Musim di Transmigrasi Manggala Lampung Utara)
A study on Anopheles was conducted in area surrounding the Manggala transmigration North Lampung. Among 200 Anopheles, trapped during the year 1990 and 1991, four species of Anopheles were identified as An. nigerrimus, An. annularis and An. vagus. The result showed that there was a significant difference population density of Anopheles and malaria case and rainy seasion. The population density of Anopheles increase during rainy season and able to be measured by landing rate outdoor and resting rate in stable catle. The information obtained is used to improve further vector control strategies.
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