Kaitan Antara Status Gizi, Perkembangan Kognitif, dan Perkembangan Motorik Pada Anak Usia Prasekolah (Relationship Between Nutritional Status, Cognitive delopment, and Motor Development In Preschool Children)
Growth failure (stunting) in children under five causes a variety of development disorders, including cognitive and motor development. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between nutritional status, cognitive development, and motor development in preschool children.
This survey was conducted on 73 children aged 3-5 years in Bogor regency, West Java. This study showed that 30.2 percent children had low height for age. 98.6 percent children had normal birth weight and 76.7 percent children had normal birth length. Children's level of cognitive (54.8%) and fine motor development (68.5%) were low, while gross motor development level were moderate (41.1%). Factors that significantly associated with children's nutritional status were mother's height, children's energy and protein sufficiency level, and birth length of children.
Factors that significantly associated with children's fine and gross motor development were children's nutritional status, early education, and age of children. Factors that significantly associated with children's cognitive development were children's nutritional status, age of children, early education, and children care practices of mother. Children's nutrient sufficiency level, especially energy and protein, has significant association to their nutritional status and development
Keywords: nutritional status, cognitive development, motor development, preschool children
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