Pola Terapi Pada Pasien Kanker Nasofaring di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo
Nasopharyngeal cancer prevention until now become a problem, because early symptoms are not spesific and hidden location of nasopharyngeal cause a delay to diagnosis that will affect therapeutic efficacy and poor pro gnisis. High therapeutic efficacy and long term survival only achieved for patient who have early stage than advanced stage.
This research purpose to provide overview a treatment pattern of nasopharyngeal cancer patients in Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo hospital (RSMS) and provide overview of cancer drugs types used in patient with nasopharyngeal cancer in RSMS. The research is observational research with descriptive cross sectional researchdesign and retrospective methods of data collection through the medical records of patients. The total study population was 199 patients with a ratio of male and female was 2,6:1, the average age of nasopharyngeal cancer patients was 49.06 ± 1,49 years old (range: 5-82th). Patients come to RSMS have advanced stage (Ill and IV) (30,1%). 143(71,6) patients received cancer therapy and 56(28,1%) patients without cancer therapy. Therapy used in each stage is different. Three types of therapy used in RSMS. There are radiotherapy 89(62,2%), chemotherapy 33(23,1%) and chemoradiation 21(14,7%). Class of cancer drugs used are alkilator, taxan, antibiotics and alkaloids vinca.
The most of patient have low in completed chemotherapy cycle and number of radiotherapy. Patients with comorbidities most anemic 11(22,5%) patients and the drug classes most widely used analgesic 107(74,6%). Based on cancer stage, radiotherapy is more widely used. The most widely used drugs in chemotherapy and chemoradiation is cisplatin.
Keywords: nasopharyngeal cancer, the pattern of treatment.
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