Pengaruh Kepatuhan Dokter Dalam Penulisan Resep Sesuai Formularium Obat Golongan Antibiotik Terhadap Obat Macet Golongan Antibiotik di Rumah Sakit Umum Purbalingga Periode Januari-Juni 2011
The doctors' compliance to formularium in issuing prescription still needs to be improved to achieve an optimum pharmacy service. Their incompliance will cause a death stock of medicine. This was an observational research (analytical descriptive) applying cross sectional approach with the data retrospectively collected. This research included 27 of doctors and 1207 prescriptions.
The research, conducted in Januari-June 2011, has indicated that the percentage of the complying doctors are 87%, and the rest of 13% does not comply to the standard. This makes a dead stock in generic medicine of 33,5% and in non-generic medicine of 66,5% with correlation value was 0,214 and p value was 0,003. Based on the results, it can be concluded that there was a negative correlation between the doctors' compliance to the medicine formularium and the dead stock of antibiotics in RSU Purbalingga.
Keywords: doctors' compliance, formularium, dead stock of medicine, antibiotics
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