Daya Repelan dan Wi Iritasi Formula Lotion Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirih (Piper betle Linn) Dengan Variasi Basis Lanolin Terhadap Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) which is transmitted through the bite of mosquito Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus females still becomes a health problem, especially in Indonesia. Repellant is used to avoid interference or bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The purposes of this research are to determine the repellency of the ethanolic extract of betel leaf lotion with lanolin variation as a basis toward Aedessefalosporin.
The research about "Evaluation of The Antibiotic Used in Cesarean Section Patient in Panti NugrohoRegion MaternityHospital of Purbalingga in 2009" is descriptive-non analitical study with retrospective design.The result of study on 321 medical records ofcaesarean section patients, showed that profilactive antibiotic are used 73.21% using third-generation Cefalosporin group (22.74% and CeftriaxonCeftazidim 50, 26%), and the used of penicillin group are Amoxicillin 12.5% and Amphicilin 11.53%. The dose are used 1g/ 12 hours for cefalosforin and 1 gram / 6-8 hours for penicilin, the rute of administration and time used is intravenous rute and 30 minutes before insisi or after craft klamp. Based on the evaluation results ofdoses,rute and time of antibiotic prophylaxis caesarean administrationshowed that any conformity with standard Antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean section 2007. But based on class of antibiotic prophylaxis administration showed that, there are any inconformity with Antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean section 2007, calculate 73,21 %.
Key word : Antibiotic prophylaxis, caesarean section, Panti Nugroho public
maternity hospital of Purbalingga
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