Penggunaan Antibiotika Pada Pasien Penderita Infeksi Saluran Kemih di Instalasi Rawat Inap Rsud Banyumas Periode Agustus 2009 — Juli 2010
Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI ) is a condition in which the urinary tract is infected with a pathogen causing inflammation. UTI is commonly found on children to geriatric Periods. Symptomatic UT1 Patient Should Receive An Antimicrobial Therapy. There Is a lot of agents from many groups of antibiotic commonly used which are treat UTI.
This research analized with retrospect,' methods to 115 hospitalized patient at RSUD Banyumas in August 2009 — July 2010 and compared to Pedoman Diagnosa dan Terapi RSUD Banyumas.
The result shows, UTI patient are 12,17% pediatric, 71,30% adult and 16,52% geriatric. In amount of 74,78% patient show positif bacteriuria and 25,12% negatif. There is twelve antibiotic agents are used by 115 cases. Ceftriaxone 59,38%, is poppular antibiotic.
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