Beberapa Aspek Perilaku Nyamuk Anopheles Barbirostris Di Kabupaten Sumba Tengah Tahun 2011 (Some Sapects of Anophelas barbirostris Behavior in Central Sumba Regency 2011)
Some aspects of Anopheles barbirostris behavior in Central Sumba Regency was conducted in July– October in District Umbu Ratu Nggai (Village Padira Tana) which represents in mountain ecology and the district of Mamboro (Manu Wollu Village) representing the coastal ecology. Both villages are selected to have high malaria cases during the past year. The objective of the study is to determine Some aspect of Anopheles barbirostris behavior in Central Sumba Regency. The result showed that the characteristics of breeding habitats of Anopheles barbirostris in the padira tana village is in fields (both in use, not use or ready for planting) and in kobakan. in Manu Wolu Village the breeding habitats are in former ponds, puddles an kobakan. The bitting activity of Anopheles barbirostris the in Padira Tana Village highest in July (MBR = 0.08) outside the house, while in Manu Wolu Village bite out of the house in July and October (MBR = 0.04). in the Padira Tana Village and Manu Wollu village the Anopheles barbirostris is most prevalent in the cage with peak hours 11.00 pm to 04.00 am.
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