Cedera Kepala Berat Pada Pasien Hamil (Severe Head Injury in Pregnant Patients)
Background and Objective: Head injury in pregnancy can increase the risks of mortality and morbidity, both for the mother andfetus. Common complications are including death, shock, intrauterine bleeding, intrauterine feta! death, feta! trauma, placental abruptio and, uterine rupture. Motor vehicle accident, falls, assault and gun shot wound are the primary cause of injury. Treatment and recognition of th is cases are unique, even though the main target are early evaluation and resuscitation of the mother and afterward, the fetus. Tococardiography monitoring, ultrasound, and head CT Scan can be perform with or without craniotomy and caesarean section. Subject and Method: An observasional study taken from the year of 2008-2012, a serial case report in pregnant women with severe head injury undergoing operation for evacuation of hematoma.
Result: During the last 3 years, three patients had underwent surgery for head injury with two of them underwent a sectio caesarean procedure.
Conclusion: The incidence of head injury in pregnant women is considered very rare and an early multidicip!inary management for head injury in pregnancy can decrease the risk of morbidity and mortality for both the mother and the fetus.
Key Word: Head injury, pregnancy, surgery, outcome
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