Disfungsi Kognitif Pascaoperasi Pada Pasien Operasi Elektif (Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction In Elective Surgical Patient )
Background and Objective: Post operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a common and becoming a serious problem since it can impair the quality of life of the patient who underwent surgery and increase the burden of health cost. In this study, author wanted to know the incidenee of POCD among patients undergoing elective surgery patients in dr. Sutomo hospital and examine the risk factors.
Method: The study involved asample of jifty people aged 40 years or older who underwent surgery more than two hours. Conducted a series of cognitive function tests pre-surgery and seven days post-surgery. Cognitive domain that measured were attention and memory. Factors that thought to affect the incidenee of POCD in this study were age, educationallevel and duration of surgery.
Result: After 7 days post surgery 30 % ofpatients had attention decline, 36 % patients had memory decline and 52 % had post operative cognitive decline. Cognitve function test that decrease significantly are digit repetition test, immediate recall, andpaired associate learning. Regression logistic analysis for age (p = 0.798), education level (p = 0.921) and duration of surgery (p = 0.811) on the incidenee POCD showed no significant relationship. However, when analyzed in each group of age, the results would show that the percentage of patients experiencing POCD was consistently higher in the age of 50 years or older, education level of 6 years or less and duration of surgery of 180 minutes or longer.
Conclusion: The incidenee of cognitive dysfunction in patients undergoing elective surgery in dr. Sutomo hospital was considered high. Age, education level and duration of surgery appeared to influence the incidenee of POCD although not statistically significant.
Keywords: cognitive dysfunction, attention, memory, general anesthesia
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