Assesment Program Internsip Dokter Indonesia Sumatera Barat Tahun 2011 (Assesment of Indonesia's Doctor Internship Programme In West Sumatera 2011)
Internsip is an apprenticeship process which needed by medical students that have had medical license to held their ownself medical services. The first role of Program Internsip Dokter Indonesia had been held since February 2010. After a year program, Ministry of Health need to do an assessment for this program. This assessment held on February - March 2011 in four districts of West Sumatera Province (Pariaman, Pesisir Selatan, Lima Puluh Kota and Solok Selatan) that picked randomly. Also based on representativeness of Class C class D public hospital, inpatient health center (puskesmas DTP), and outpatient health center (puskesmas non-DTP). The results of this assessment: 1. This program had done well in West Sumatera; 2. The aims of intemsip had been achieved; 3. All interns had reached the target of 400 medical cases along the program; 4. There was still some interns who couldn't reach the case proportion target; 5. There was still some misperception about interns' status, some people still think that they are not a doctor yet.
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