Fauna Anopheles Sp Di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya Anopheles Sp.'S Fauna In Southwest Sumba District
Malaria is one infectious disease caused by plasmodium, which is transmitted from person to person through the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes. Southwest Sumba including malaria-endemic areas with strata High Case Incidence (HCI) with Annual Parasite Incidence (API) in 2009 at 24,89 0/00. Effort to control malaria transmission has been done with the treatment of patients regardless of the aspect vectot3 so that the current has not shown significant results. Therefore entomology survey conducted to. obtain preliminary information about the fauna in the area of species Anopheles. The collection of landing data collection method using bait people inside and outside the home and larval surveys in all potential breeding places. Fauna of the arrest and pre mature adult mosquitoes totaling nine species comprising An. barbirostris, An. maculatus, An. aconitus, An. annullaris, An. tesselatus, An. vagus. An. indefinitus, An. kochi and An. subpictus.
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