Sumber Pencemaran Potensial dan Kejadian Diare Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta (Riskesdas 2007) {Potent Factor of Diarrhea in Province of Jakarta}
Diarrhea is a public health problem in Indonesia yet with mortality rate 100.000 annual and result in financial loss around 2,3% of bruto domestic product. Mostly, diarrhea infection may occur by medium pollution such as field, fluid, and food. Jakarta Province as the centre of authority, industry occur very fast polluted even in settlements area. This study was conducted aimed to assess the potential factors in relation to diarrhea epidemiology in Jakarta. The study was a cross-sectional study by using Riskesdas 2007data with sample all households sampled in Riskesdas 2007. The data was collected by questionnaire and the data was tabulated -and processed in each answer. The results showed those potent factors which influenced diarrhea were water treatment, clean and healthy behavior, crowded, refuse disposal education, body mass index and age. Households without good water supply have risk almost two times more than household with good water supply suffer diarrhea. Households with clean and healthy behavior were known to be more protective as compared to those non health habits. Households without sanitary refuse disposal have risk two times more than hosehold with sanitary one suffer diarrhea. Households with crowded stay have risk two times more than hosehold without crowded one suffer diarrhea.
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