Bionomik Nyamuk Mansonia dan Anopheles di Desa Karya Makmur, Kabupaten Oku Timur (Mosquito Bionomic of Mansonia and Anopheles in Karya Makmur Village, East OKU Regency)
Lymphatic filariasis is still become the health problem in Indonesia, the disease almost found in the entire area with fairly high level endemicity. Karya Makmur Village, Madang Suku III District, East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Surnatera Province in 2007 has micofilariae rate of 1,05% based from blood survey. The aims of the research is to identify vector and the breeding habitat. This research has been conducted in Karya Makmur Village from May to November 2011. This type of research is non¬intervention study with spot survey research design. Mosquitoes collection using human landing and resting collection methods, while mosquito larvae were collected from breeding sites. This research found 14 species of Mansonia and Anopheles were collected and the species were Mansonia uniformis, Ma. annulata, Ma. indiana, Ma. dives, Ma. bonneae, Ma. annulifera, Anopheles nigerrimus , An. annularis, An. maculatus, An. letifer, An. vagus, An. barbumbrosus, An. barbirostris and An. tesselatus. Mansonia uniformis and Anopheles nigerrimus was confirmed as filariasis vector but none containing microfilariae. Breeding habitat of Anopheles have water temperature 280C — 300C and pH 7 with vegetation (grass and Eichhomia crassipes / water hyacinth) and predator (Oreochromis niloticus / nile tilapia and Aplocheilus panchax / fish head lead). Thus the community are expected to behave positively, especially avoid mosquito bites and manipulate the environment that potentially as mosquito larvae breeding habitat.
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