Sanitasi Pasar Tradisional Di Kabupaten Sragen Jawa Tengah dan Kabupaten Gianyar Bali (Market Sanitation in Kabupaten Sragen Jawa Tengah and Kabupaten Gianyar Bali)
According to Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Indonesia at the 134th ranking for 163 countries below the rangking of Sudan and Tanzania. EPI indicators tracked across ten policy categories covering both environmental public health in relation to water supply and sanitation and ecosystem vitality. Sanitation in human life include such as housing and public places sanitation. As a public places , in the market many people doing the transaction and it may transmit diseases. In the other hands, the existence of market are needed by the community to suffice their basic live need. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the sanitation of several traditional market including market location, market yard, building, and sanitation facilities. The study was an observational and expolatory sectional study for two Kabupatens traditional market by using form. The object of this research was the Kabupaten Sragen Central Java Province and Kabupaten Gianyar Bali Province traditional market including "toko", "kios", and "los''. Scoring result for each variable which consist of market location, market yard, building, and market sanitation facilities including water supply, refuse or garbage disposal, sewage disposal shown in tables. The result indicate that market at Bunder Sragen which trained is good. At the other market, yard, wall, roof, floor, water supply, garbage disposal and cleaners were fair or middle criteria. Market "kios" blocking, waste disposal, lighting, garbage container, drainage and firehouse were poor criteria.
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