Konsumsi Energi, Protein dan Lemak pada Rumah Tangga yang Mempunyai Anak Usia 3-5 Tahun Menurut Pedoman Umum Gizi Seimbang (PUGS) dan Tingkat Sosial Ekonomi (Analisis Data Sekunder Riskesdas Tahun 2007/2008) {Energy, Protein, and Fat Consumption, on Households which Have Children Age 3-5 Years Old According to Nutrition Guidelines and Social Economic Status (Secondary Analysis Data Riskesdas 2007/2008)}
Household consumption is one of factors that play impotant role in creating a healthy family. Balanced diet be it in amount or variation is highly needed because there is no food that consist of-nor do they have entugh amount-every nutrition that are needed by body. To get used to consume foods that contain balanced diet is one of the ways to overcome double nutrition problems, be it malnutrition or overweight that the Indonesian government faced. Foods for child 3-5 years old are still depend on food that are prepared by nannies, which are the same with food prepared for adults. It is interesting to study how energy, protein, and fat consumption on households that have child age 3-5 years old, considering this group of age is the age of pre-school so they need to have the ultimate health. Objective: this analysis study how energy, protein, and fat consumption on households that have children age 3-5 years old according to PUGS and also social economic status. Method: Sample that are being analyzed are as much as 16348 households that have children age 3-5 years old that derived from RISICESDAS year 2007/2008 data. Result: 46,7% of households are according to PUGS advices. Social factor economic, education of the leader of household, and the amount of member of the household are related to household's ability to provide energy, protein and fat consumption according to PUGS. The socio economic, head of household education level, and also amount of family member, are factors that related to the ability of household to provide consumption of energy, protein, and fat according to PUGS advices. This is shown by OR:1.25(1.18-1.34) for household with socio economic level in kuintil 1-3, OR:1.12(1.05-1.20) for education level of household graduate from junior high school or lower. OR:1.16(1.19-1.24) for member of household more than four persons. Conclusion: Most of households that have children age 3-5 years old (53.3%) not yet have energy, protein and fat consumption according to PUGS advices. Therefore the effort to increase family that are aware of nutritions is highly needed. So, the effort to increase nutritions aware family programe in the society are extreamly needed.
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