Cakupan Suplementasi Kapsul Vitamin a pada Ibu Masa Nifas dan Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Di Indonesia Analisis Data Riskesdas 2010
Background: Vitamin A supplementation program for postparum mothers has been implemented in lndonesia since 1996.
The objective is to improve vitamin A status of postpartum mother and newborn through improvement of vitamin A status in breastmilk. However, Riskesdas 2010, across-sectional nationwide health study, reveals that the coverage is lower than in children underfives. In order to improve the coverage, there is a need to analyze factors associated with high or low coverage. The objective of this paper is to assess vitamin A coverage for postpartum mothers and factors of household, mother, access to health services that favour or limit the coverage. Methods: Riskesdas 2010 collected information on whether 19,000 samples mother 10-59 years having living children underfives received vitamin A capsules during postpartum period of the last child. A multivariate logistic regression was used to measure odd ratio. Vitamin A supplementation coverage among mother (in pospartum period) was 56.1%, varies 35-70% among provinces, higher in urban (61.4%) than in rural areas (50.8%). Gdd ratios of mothers who didn't receive capsule are significantlyassociated with not having neonatal care (AGR = 2,334, 95% CI 2,156-2,530), not receiving iron tablet during pregnancy (AGR = 2,076,95% CI 1,874-2,298), ANC 3 times or less (AGR = 1.252,95% CI 1,095-1,431), without ANC (AGR = 1,355, 95% CI 1,217-1,510), not receiving TT immunization (AGR = 1,245, 95% CI 1, 156-1,341). The coverage is also significantly associated with not attending Posyandu, low education, did not know Polindes with AGR slightly above 1, but not associated with age and marital status. Results: The analysis shows that factors significantly associated with the coverage are mostly assessibility of health care of mothers during pregnancy and delivery High coverage of vitamin A supplementation should be improved by increasing access of women during pregnancy and delivery in community and health education on importance of vitamin A supplementation.
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