Infeksi Virus Dengue Tanpa Gejala pada Keluarga Penderita DBD di Provinsi Jawa Barat
Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Indonesia shows an increasing trend since it was first reported in 1968. Based on data from 2003 to 2007, all districts in West Java province had reported outbreak of DHF. Dengue virus transmission iS. kept up by the presence of virus in the infective host in human and/or mosquitoes.
Methods: A cross-sectional research was conducted to obtain the incidence of asymptomatic dengue infections in family members of the individual infected. Data was extracted from respondents . who were family members of patients that showed immunological response to dengue virus infection.
Result: Out of 979 family members of patients tested, 183 (18.7%) individual showed asymptomatic positive immunological response of dengue virus infection. Respondents who leave in a district have risk to be infected 1.35 fold greater than those who leave in a city (p= 0,043; 95% CI=l, 004-1, 805). There is no significant risk to be infected among gender (female and male respondent) and age groups c: 15 years and> 15 years).
Conclusion: There is a latent potential problem of sustainable dengue virus transmission in West Java Province. This condition requires attention because the existence of positive individuaIs without symptoms and their mobility play a role as a reservoir of dengue virus .
Keywords: dengue viorus infection, asymptomatic, immunological responses
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