Prevalensi Gangguan Fungsi Tirold Pada Wanita Usia Subur Di Daerah Endemik Gaki (Prevalence of Thyroid Disfunction on Child-bearing Age Woman in Endemic Area)
A study in 2003 reported that Pati, Purbalingga, and Malang District were considered as amiId, moderate, and severe endemic areas respectivelly assessed by total goiter rate (TGR). lodine deficiency disorders ( 100) control Programe had been applied in the three districts, such as the salt iodized programe, communication information education, and 100 surveillance. The thyroid function in childbearing age women after the implementation of the program for eight years has be en investigated. To assess the prevalence of thyroid disorders in childbearing age women in endemic area. A cross sectional and non intervention study was conducted in 2011 in three districts: Pati, Purbalingga, and Malang. The subjects were randomly selected healthy and with normal nutrition status childbearing-age women. The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxin (FT4) was measured.
The result were analyzed descriptively using crosstabulation. Malang district: the proportion ofsubclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism were 9,0% and 7,5% respectivelly. While clinical hyperthyroidism was 1,5% and subclinical was 6,0%). Purbalingga district: the proportion of subclinical hypothyroidism= 24,5%; hyperthyroidism= 4,0% (clinical= 2,0%; subclinical= 2,0%). Pati district: the proportion of subclinical hypothyroidism= 8,0%; hyperthyroidism= 3,0% (subclinical). There were no primary (overt) hypothyroidism (high TSH, low FT4) in all districts. The prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism in childbearing age women are quite high especially in Purbalingga district (24,5%). The present of hyperthyroidism cases have to be seriously considered.
Keywords: Thyroid disfunction, childbearing-age women, endemic.
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