Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Depresi Postpartum Pada Ibu Primipara Di Ruang Flamboyan Rsud Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto
Background: Postpartum depression phenomenon was a women health problem and indicate an increased, especially in primiparous mother. Early studied in dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital, found 4 from 10 primiparous mother detected postpartum depression. Postpartum depression was a negative effect upon mother, spouse and her chiid. Long time effect to postpartum depression is severe depression, marital problem or suicide if not cope immediately.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between prenatal depression, child care stress, life stress, social support, prenatal anxiety, marital satisfaction, history of previous depression, infant temperament problem, maternity blues, self esteem, socioeconomic status, marriage status, unplanned or unwanted pregnancy in primiparous parents with postpartum depression.
Methods: Research design used analytic survey with case control. Data were collected through questionnaire, and sampie size study was 48 for case and 48 for control. Statistic test with chi square in level a 0,05.
Result: Variables that there were correlation on the incidence of postpartum depression were prenatal depression (p = 0,041), social support (p = 0,036), history of previous depression (p = 0,037), marriage status (0.045). whereas there were no correlation were child care stress (P=0,307), life stress (P=0,302), prenatal anxiety (p=0,307), marital satisfaction (p=0,615), infant temperament (P=0,539), maternity blues (P=0,838), self esteem (P=0,399), socioeconomic status (P=0,525), unwanted or unplanned pregnancy (p=0,749)
Conclusion: Dominant factor to postpartum depression was marriage status (p = 0,045, OR=4,600). Recommendation for Hospital to prepared nursing staff skils in quality nursing care, mother-spouse anticipated guidance prenatal period. Educational institution than more give information that result studied to student, paper, modul or publish postpartum depression nursing care book, and for future study use cohort deisgn.
Key word :primiparous, postpartum depression
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