Community Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) on Malaria in Kekayap, Nunukan East Borneo (Pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat terhadap malaria di Desa Kekayap Kabupaten Nunukan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur)
Malaria is one ofvector borne disease and often occuring outbreak. Nunukan district is one of border area with high emerged diseases. Sebu ku subdistrict is the area which going to down of morbidity rate, so the research can be conducted to revealed malaria, epidemiologi data especially to the knowledge, attitude, and practices of the community. Croos sectionally research conducted in area which lower ca se of malaria, Kekayap village. Sampie of population of the research was 93 selected people. Data compiled were KAP questionaire, and filed observation. The descriptive analize revealed that the people's knowledge were qood, It occured high presentage of knowledge about malaria symptomps, and control and prevention effort. 85,2% peoples aggreed to avoid biting. 90,8% peoples aggreed to spread predator fish and 97,7% peoples concerned to malaria eradiction. In conclusion that KAP of the Kekayap were good.
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