Perbedaan Kualitas Hidup Anak dengan Sindrom Nefrotik Resisten Steroid dan Sindrom Nefrotik Relaps (The differences between the quality of life in steroid resistant and relapse nephrotic syndrome in children)
Background: Children with steroid resistant nephoitic syndrome (SRNS) and relapse nephrotic syndrome are may of ten to be hospitalized. It can affect the quality of life of the children. There is no research of quality of life yet in children with SRNS and relapse nephrotic syndrome. The objective of this study is to determine the difference between the quality oflife in children with SRNS and relapse nephrotic syndrome.
Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted on 35 children (25 relapse nephrotic syndrome and 10 SRNS) of out patient in RSUP dr. Kariadi Semarang and home visit during April 2011 to June 2011. The diagnosis of SRNS and relaps NS was clinical ly and quality of life was assessed by PedsQL. All subjects were interviewed by using General and Specific Chronic Kidney Disease PedsQL Questionnaire. Data Normality was analyzed by Shapiro¬wilk test, comparison tests between SN RS and relaps nephrotic syndrome by independentt-test.
Results: For SRNS group and relaps NS group, the general PedsQL score was 55,7 (SD 10,59) and 55,6 (SD 13,18) (p=0,986), while the specific chronic kidney disease PedsQLwas 53,7 (SD 9,34) and 58,7 (SD 13,81) (p=0.299), respectively.
Conclusion : There was no significant difference of the quality of life between children with SRNS and relapse NS.
Keywords: quality of life, nephrotic syndrome, PedsQL
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