Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ketahanan Hidup Satu Tahun Penderita Kanker Paru Stadium Lanjut di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang (Factors that influences of one year survival rate advanced stage lung cancer patients in Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang)
Background: Lung cancer incidence is increasing and become a global health problem. Lung cancer in lndonesia was ranked fourth of all cancers that of ten found in hospitals. Survival rate of patients with lung cancer still remains low. Research on the factors that associated with survival in patients with lung cancer is still rare, especially in Indonesia.The aimed of the study was to analysis many factors that influences one year survival in advances lung cancer patiens.
Methods : Prospective cohort study. All patients that diagnosed with advanced lung cancer in RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang since 1 January 2009-30 June 2010. Survival was analyzed using survival analysis with Kaplan Meier method. Association between variables were tested using the log rank test.
Results : A total of 82 patients with advanced lung cancer, 54 (65.9%) of them are male. The mean age of male subjects was 53.96 ± 12.16 years and female 51.07 ± 13.14 years. I-year survival rate of 18.3% with a median survival is 122 days. Factors associated significantly to the I-year survival were clinical stage (p=0.001), the performance status (p=0.000), complications of pieurai effusions (p=0.0017) and hypoalbuminemia (p=0.000). While the other factors such as age, gender, type of histology and anemia were not associated significantly.
Conclusion : Clinical Stage IIIA, performance status (Karnof sky scale > 70), no complications of pieurai effusion and albumin levels before therapy> 3.5 g/dl are factors th at associated significantly to abetter survival in patients with advanced lung cancer.
Keywords: Lung cancer, prognostic factors, survival
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