Perbandingan Efektivitas Ondansetron dan Tramadol Intravena dalam Mencegah Menggigil Pasca Anestesi Umum (The effectivenes comparison of ondansetron and tramadol intravena in preventing post operative shivering)
Background: Post anesthesia shivering is common complication. Shivering cause uncomfortable condition and cause many risk. The most commonly drug which used to prevent or treat shivering have adverse reaction such as nausea, vomiting, sedation and respiratory depression. Objective of the study was to prove that giving ondansetron 0,1 mg/kgBB intravenous befare induction was more effective than giving tramadol 2 mg/kgBB intravenous before induction in preventing post anesthesia shivering.
Methods : This randomized post test only control/ed groups study of 72 patients 16-40 years Old who underwent 1-2 hours surgery in general anesthesia. Vital sign (blood pressure, MAP, heart rate, oxygen saturation and axiler temperature) was measured 5 minutes before induction continued with randomization. Patients were divided into three groups: Group 0 received ondansetron 0,1 mg/kgBB, Group T received tramadol 2mg/kgBB and group K received NaCI 0,9%. Induction was done accord ing to standard. Vital sign was measured soon after extubation and every five minutes in 15 minutes. Statistical analysis was performed by One-way ANOVAs and Kruskal Wal/is with p-value < 0,05 was considered significant.
Results: Shivering was not significantly different between group T i.e.5 patient (20,8%}, and group 0 i.e 4 patients (16,7 %}, p=0,458. Meanwhile between group 0 and group T with control group K were significantly different (p0,05). Nausea and vomits was occured in group T (20,8%) meanwhile at group 0 had no side effect (p< 0,05).
Conclusion : Ondansetron 0,1 mg/kgBB and tramadol 2 mg/kgBB intravenous have similar effectivity in preventing post anesthesia shivering, but ondansetron has fewer si1ieffects than tramadol.
Keywords: post anesthesia shivetinq, ondansetron, tramadal.
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