Koinfeksi Sifilis Sekunder Dan HIV Pada Seorang Laki Suka Laki (Secondary Syphills And HIV Coinfection in A Men Men WHO Have Sex With Men)
A case of secondary syphilis and HIV coinfection accompanied by irritant contact dermatitis in a 24-year-old men who have sex with men (MSM) was reported. The patient presented with erythematous macules, papu les, plaque, and thin scales on the scalp, neck, chest, back, bath arms and lower limbs. There were erythematous macules on bath palms and sales, also erythematous mocules, hiperpigmented macules, and hypopigmented macules on the penile shaft and scrotum. Diagnosis of secondary syphilis was established based on clinical appearance and results of Veneral Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL): 1/128 and Treponema pallidum Haemagglutination Assay (TPHA): 1/2560. The patient was treated with intramuscular 2,4 millian lU benzathine penicilline G once weekly for three weeks. Clinical improvement was seem on the 9 th day and twofold decrease of VDRL titer in one month after first administration of benzathine penicilline G.
Keywords: Coinfection, Secondary svphilis, HIV, MSM, Benzathine penicilline G
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