Hubungan Vitamin D dan Tuberkulosis (Relationship of Vitamin D and Tuberculosis)
Besides its function in musculo-skeletal system, there is relationship of vitamin D and ma-lignancy, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and infectious diseases (immunity). Sufficient Se-rum 25(OH)D (> 30 ng/ml) will enhance 1-OH ase to convert25(OH)D to [1,25(OH)2D, the active vitamin D wich have ability to increase non specific and specific immunity. There is capability in to make [1 ,25(OH)20D]in macrophage, mono cyte , Iymphocyte Band T. The tuberculosis patient should be given advice to get cheap vitamin D by exposure to sunlight at 9.00-15.00, also consider about suplementation of vitamin D.
Key words : Vitamin D, tuberculosls , immunity
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