Pengaruh Pencemaran Udara Lumpur Lapindo Terhadap Keluhan Pernapasan Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Porong Sidoarjo (The Influence of Air Pollution Lapindo Mud Towards Inhabitants Respira Tory Complaint At Kecamatan Porong Sidoarjo)
The respiratory complaint in community of Porong region is the most public complaint since the occurrence of Lapindo mud disaster in Porong region. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of air pollution on lung physiology disorder in community around Siring and Mindi village in Porong region. This is an observational study deSign with analytical descriptive study using cross sectional study approach. The study variable includes independent variable ambient air quality and dependent variable respiratory complaint.
The result indicates that the amount of dust and ammonia is greater than the threshold of air quality standard in Siring and Mindi village. In the community of Siring and Mindi village are found many cases related to cough with phlegm. From regression test between pollution and FVC significance level, it is found around 0.037 that means there is effect of pollution to restrictive event. The result of rearesston test between pollution level and FWV1 indicates significance level 0.001 that means air pollution having effect to obstructive event. It can conclude that air pollution caused by Lapindo mud disaster effects to respiratory complaint in community of Siring and Mindi village.
Keywords: Air Pollution, Respiratory Complaint
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