Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Lansia Yang Tinggal Di Panti Sasana Tresna Werdha Hargo Dedali
This study is a descriptive study that aims to know the level of anxiety in older adults living in the orphanage Sasana Tresna Werdha Hargo Dedali Surabaya. As the population of this research is the study of all elderly living in the orphanage in April to May of 2012 with the criteria of dementia and are seen not willing to be respondents to the target population of 20 people who all made the subject of research.
Data was collected using HARS scale and the results were analyzed using descriptive. The study found that most of the elderly living in nursing Sasana Tresna Werdha Hargo Dedalii Surabaya are experiencing anxiety, almost half of older adults experiencing severe anxiety and a small elderly experiencing mild anxiety. It is recommended for the elderly are routinely expected to follow the activities held by the institutions, so there are activities they can do to reduce the anxiety they experienced during their stay at the center. For families should be able to guide and care for the elderly in nursing by diligently visiting every once a week. For a research site for more health, so the elderly can be prevent ed to a minimum of anxiety and can bring in a psychiatrist on a regular basis to provide psychological therapy and control the state of the elderly who live at the center.
Keywords: The levels of anxiety, elderly, nursing
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