Pengetahuan Perawat Tentang Penatalaksanaan Klien Dengan Cedera Kepala di IGD RSU Sidoarjo
This research is a descriptive study, which aims to describe the nurse's knowledge on the management of the client with a head injury, in ER Hospital Sidoarjo, the cross-sectional design. As the population of all nurses working in hospitals ER Sidoarjo with the target population of 30 people, all of them the subject of research. Research variables: knowledge of nurses on the management of the client with a head injury. The collected data were analyzed descriptively.
The results are: 1) most of the nurses knowledge of the management of the client with a head injury. The collected data were analyzed descriptively. The results are: 1) most of the nurses knowledge of the management of clients with mild head injury in hospital ER Sidoarjo is good, some less, 2) Most of the nurses knowledge of the management of clients with moderate head injuries in hospital ER Sidoarjo is good, but there are still a small part nurses whose knowledge of the management of clients with moderate head injuries were less good, 3) Nearly half of nurses whose knowledge of the management of clients with severe head injuries in the hospital ER Sidoarjo is good, but most of the nurses turned out knowledge of the management of severe head injury less well.
Keywords: nursing knowledge, client management, head injury
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