Hubungan Perilaku Petugas Dengan Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Padat Rumah Sakit Di Surabaya
This research was analytic research with cross sectional design aimed to identify relationship between staff healthy behavior and hospital solid medical waste management in Surabaya. Population was all staff involved in hospital solid medical waste management including medical staff, paramedic, and non medic staff related with solid medical waste management from room with high and very high risks including Emergency Room, Obsyqn, transmitted disease In Patient Unit, Laboratory and staff that perform collection to final treatment of solid medical waste management in hospital. While the sampie were part of the population of 100 persons selected by proportional random sampling. The independent variables were: 1) staff behavior for knowledge aspect, 2) staff behavior for attitude espect, 3) staff behavior for action aspect. While the dependent variables were: 1) minimization, 2) sorting, 3) packaging, 4) collection, 5) treatment or removal.
Research result was analyzed by statistical manner where result showed that: 1) there is no relationship between staff knowledge and behavior and their action in solid medical waste management in hospital, 2) there is relationship between staff attitude and their action in solid medical waste management in hospital, 3) there is no relationship between staff behavior for knowledge aspect and solid medical waste management condition in hospital, 4) therads no relationship between staff behavior for attitude aspect and solid medical waste management condition in hospital, 5) there is relationship between staff behavior for attitude aspect and solid medical waste management condition in hospital. Relationship Between Staff Behavior and Hospital Solid Medical Waste Management in Surabaya
Keywords: staff behavior, management, solid medical waste.
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