Prevalensi Dan Keberadaan Vektor Malaria Di Desa Teluk Limau, Kecamatan Jebus, Kabupaten Bangka Barat, Provinsi Bangka Belitung (Malaria Prevalence and Vector Presence in Teluk Limau Village, Jebus District, West Bangka, Bangka Belitung
Malaria elimination in Indonesia need necessary data as 0 foundation for planning and implementation activities. The purpose of this study was to estimate the malaria prevalence and the presence of potential mosquito vectors. To find out malaria endemicity, blood of sampling group was examined in the study area on 24-30 November 2010. Suspected vector tnosqttitoes collection was carried out by human landing method on the inside (Ind outside of the house for 12 hours from 18:00 until 06:00. Positive blood preparation percentage from inspection reached 4.21% (18 of 428 blood preparation). Gainetocytes blood preparation percentoge reached 18.75%. where 3 of 18 positives blood preparation has a gametocytes. Two mosquitoes Anopheles spp.found were an An. sundaicus and An. letifer. The number of An. sundaicus trapped outdoors were five, An. letifer trapped in the house were three (Ind An. letifer trapped outdoors were eight. This result showed malaria transmission potential in the study site and malaria surveillance should be done. It is recommended to distribute insecticide-treated nets and suggest the residents not to stayed outside the house al night to often.
Key Words: malaria, prevalence, vectoi: West Bangka District
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