Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Tertawa Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Lanjut Usia Di Pstw Wana Seraya Denpasar
Aging is a natural process in which the elderly often experience phys ical and psychological deterioration, reduced income due to retirement and the loneliness caused by abandoned by a spouse.family or peers. These problems are caused anxiety for the elderly. When anxiety occurs constantly, it will have an impact on quality of life of elderly. Based on the various ways done to reduce the level of anxiety among other drugs (pharmacological) and non-pharmacological (one ofthem with laughing therapy). The purpose ofstudy is to know the influence of giving laughing therapy on the level of anxiety in the elderly at PSTW Wana Seraya Denpasar. This is a kind ofpre-experimental research which use the one-group pretest-posttest design. This study used the elderly who experienced anxiety and involved 27 respondents who chosen by using total sampling, from the result of research it is known that the level of anxiety in the elderly before laughing therapy is 88,9% mild anxiety and moderate anxiety was 11,1%. After laughing therapy was done, got result that 70,4% respondents become normal and 29,6% respondents become mild anxiety level. Based on the analysis done using Wilcoxon test (p d" 0,05), the data obtained was the amount of p = 0,000 with i pre test 2,11 andi post test 1,30. So the research hypothesis is accepted that there is the influence of giving laughing therapy on the level of anxiety in the elderly at PSTW Wana Seraya Denpasar Year 2011. From these results expected the officer of PSTW Wana Seraya Denpasar use laughing therapy on a regular basis to overcome psychological problems, especially anxiety in order to get optimal benefits.
Keywords: Elderly, Level of Anxiety, Laughing Therapy
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