Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Implan Pada Akseptor KB
The Use of Contraceptive Implants in Acceptor KR. The main problem facing the developing countries including Indonesia is still high population growth rate and less unequal spread of population age structure that complicates efforts to improve the distribution of welfare. Control of the population continue to be pursued either with the Indonesian government to encourage the National Family Planning program aimed to decrease the birth rate to achieve a balance of population growth. According to data from IDHS 2007 in Lampung province, Implantable contraceptive methods that have long-term protection and high effectiveness has decreased since 2002/2003 as much as 7.6% down to 3.9% in 2007. From BKKBN Lampung in 2011, the contraceptive implant acceptors only (14.3%), BKKBN Bandar Lampung in 2011, as many as aksepor contraceptive implants (7.6%). PLKB Data Sukarame Health Center in 2011 it is known that the contraceptive implant acceptors only (6.5%). The purpose of this study was to to determine factors that influence the use of contraceptive implants in Acceptor KB in the Working Area Health Center Sukarame Bandar Lampung in 2012. This study uses an analytical study design with case-control study design. The population in this study is that family planning acceptors in the working area Sukarame Bandar Lampung Health Center in 2012. While the sampie in this study is the whole object to be studied and considered to be representative of the whole population with a comparison between cases (Implant) and control (Non-Implantable) is 1: 1 = 160 respondents. Data analysis used the chi-square test.
The results showed there were 7 variables affecting me use of contraceptive implants among other things: the age of the wife (p.value = 0.000), number of children (p.value = 0.000), health status (p.value = 0.030), history of menstruation (p.value 0.000), effectiveness (p.value = 0.000), adverse events (p.value = 0.000), cost (p.value = 0.000).Suggestions in this study for health care workers anda field officer should further improve health education in particular about the use of contraceptive implants.
Key Words: implants, acceptors
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