Faktor Demand Terhadap Pelayanan Ra Wat Jalan Peserta Jamkesmas
Demand Factors of Outpatient Service In Hospital Participating Jamkesmas. Fulfillment of health needs is a responsibility that must be met by the goverment. Tthis guarantee is given as the impact of the crisis engulfing the word economy resulting in rising unemployment, sky-high prices, including medical expances, guarantee given in the call Jarnkesrnas or Jamkesda, should increase the demand of health insurance, but there is always a need unmed including in conducting demand of outpatient services at the hospital. This study aims to determine what factors are associated with the demand of outpacient services in hospitals participating Jarnkesmas and Jamkesda May jend. H.M. Ryacudu Kotabumi North Lampung Utara. Quantitative analitical research method was a cross sectional, quesstionary instrument used in data, the sam pie is the participants who were taking advantage Jarnkesmas and Jamkesda ambulatory care amounted to 214 respondents.
The Results of bivariate analusis using chi-square test of 13 factors there are 10 factors that have a meaningful releationship with the demand of gender, education, income, distance, transportation, ownership of the card, clinical evaluation and information regarding service procedure, type of service, the righ candidate. Factors that do not have meaningful releationship are age, occupatient and information about treatment services. From the multivariate test with multiple logistic regression card ownership is the most dominant factors. Conclution : If there is no Jarnkesmas and Jarnkesda program, demand will bw low indeed. In this study, demand of health services related to the element of demand that is enabling factors and need, and there is an element of ignorance jamkesrnas and Jarnkesda participants.
Key Words : demand, outpacient, jamkesrnas
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